Everlasting Daisies
The signature flower of our farm is the paper daisy. I learnt to cultivate this sturdy perky little flower in Western Australia and planted a field one year at Mountain View Farm just to see what would happen. The result is a blanket of pink that becomes a local sensation from August to October.
At sunset the daisies make for spectacular captures and there is no dawn like a flower field dawn at Mountain View. When the paper daisies are sleeping we also have spontaneous plantings of sunflowers and other pretty things and my mother has a Rose garden that is coming on nicely.
These amazing flowers are native to Western Australia but love it at Mountain View Farm, Tilba Tilba. These gorgeous pink and white beings will last as fresh flowers for 3-4 weeks in clean water. When properly dried they lose none of their colour and last for months.
We have used only the best seedstock from Western Australia. The flowers produced from our initial plantings have been totally stunning, amazing us with their resilience and beauty.
The flowers are harvested for fresh and dried sale. They also make a fantastic display for photography or general happy enjoyment.
Please contact us for purchase or photography options!